Minutes for the SARA Meeting on July 10, 2019
Jeff Walker N6ADE
Peter Melhus AA6PM
Ron Jones AJ6EG
Lyle Topham KB6OKO
Betty Froess W6BTY
Ray Froess W6ZF
Jack Griswold KM6ZWR
Mike McGuire KM6YZL
Larry Hawkinson KJ6GMN
Wayne Opp N6BTU New SARA NCO
Steve Steps AJ6HM
Diana Steps N/A
Alison Cassidy N6ALI New SARA NC
Meeting called to order by Ron 19:30
Guest Speaker:
Jeff, N6ADE, presented on Introduction to Packet Radio
Business meeting started 20:24
Officers and committee reports:
- President:
- Four members participated in the Field Day outing to the Palo Alto Marsh Ln. Field Day site. They had 5 stations setup with a GOTA (Get On The Air) station as well.
- Vice-President:
- Upcoming speakers
- August: Picnic
- September: Ed Fong, J-Pole
- October: Message Passing
- November: History of Silicon Valley
- Upcoming speakers
- Secretary:
- Website will be cut-over to a new WordPress site to allow a few folks with edit privilege and easier maintenance.
- Treasurer:
- Don is out of the state for the summer. Ron reported:
- ~ $5k in the bank
- ~ 25 members
New Business:
- Joint SARA / CERT picnic tentatively set for August 17, 2019
- Warner Sutton House (next to city hall)
- We will plan on opening up/demonstrating:
- Joint SARA / CERT picnic – August 17
- Will be a BBQ (not a pot-luck)
- Bring your own beer
- Likely $5 per person / $10 maximum for a family
- Will conduct an open-house of the following facilities: EOC, CERT Trailer, CERT Storage ConEx box, Repeater
- Santa Clara County Drill on 9/28
- We will join with Los Gatos and crate some Saturday morning activities
- More to follow
- SVECS is Net Control on 7/16
- Alison, N6ALI, will take the Net Control role
Business meeting adjourned 20:55