Minutes for the SARA Meeting on June 5, 2019
Bob Perlman W6BP
David Blessing KF6NHG
Don Steinbach AE6PM
Jack Griswold KM6ZWR
Jeff Walker N6ADE
John Glass NU6P
Larry Hawkinson KJ6GMN
Luis Cordeiro KB6LMI
Mike McGuire KM6VZL
Morris Jones AD6ZH
Peter Melhus AA6PM
Phil Wayman KM6RCS
Reilly Grant K6YAP
Ron Jones AJ6EG
Stan Roberts AB6SR
Walter Spector W6WS
Wayne Opp N6BTU
Meeting called to order by Ron 19:30
Guest Speaker:
Reilly, K6YAP presented on DMR
Business meeting started 20:43
Previous three meeting minutes posted to web site, motion to approve, not seconded, discussion around including the minutes URL in an email to allow folks to read them. Jeff will ensure that the links get communicated to the membership.
Officers and committee reports:
- President:
- All discussion will be in the new business section
- Vice-President:
- Speakers lined up for almost whole year
- July: Packet Radio Presentation
- August: Picnic
- September: J-Pole
- October: Message Passing
- November: History of Silicon Valley
- Speakers lined up for almost whole year
- Secretary:
- Website has had minor re-design, Peter reviewed all resource page links and offered numerous corrections. Those have been applied.
- Treasurer:
- $4,569 bank balance (we are solvent)
- Made $142 from flea market sales of excess ham stuff
- Need to write check for $149.95 to reimburse Don for new repeater battery backup
- Don called for assistance getting new battery up to the repeater rack at the Corp Yard
- Received and distributed 25 copies of the “Emergency Communications Documentation Packets”
- Don has created a ‘standard’ channel listing that hopes to become default at Primary EOC, Alternate EOC, and CERT Trailer
New Business:
- Joint SARA / CERT picnic tentatively set for August 17, 2019
- Warner Sutton House (next to city hall)
- We will plan on opening up/demonstrating:
- Repeater
- CERT Trailer?
- CERT Storage Container?
- Maybe have a UHF/VHF rig available at the picnic (maybe include an HF rig as well)
- Suggestion that both SARA and CERT kick in some dollars for some items. It was mentioned that CERT does not have a bank account, a budget, or spending authority.
- Potluck format (barbecue)
- Open to members (SARA or CERT) and their families
- Maybe door charge of $5.00, under 18 free
- SARA Net start time: Wanted to discuss moving the net to an earlier time (late afternoon, maybe)
- Discussion around later afternoon or right after dinner
- It was mentioned that this 9 PM time was a move from a previous time to be more accommodating
- Another mentioned that any move will be beneficial to some and less convenient to others.
- No motion, Net check-in will remain every Sunday at 21:00
- Field Day
- We will publish a number of local (within 3 to 20 miles) field day operations.
- Might try to organize a carpool from something like 12:00 to 16:00 to a local site
Business meeting adjourned 21:18