Meeting Minutes 2022/05/04
PostedĀ onĀ May 16, 2022
Minutes for the General Club Meeting on May 4, 2022
- Steve Steps AJ6HM
- Jack Griswold KM6ZWR
- Jeff Walker N6ADE
- Michael Turner N6DXQ
- Allison Cassidy N6ALI
- Don Steinbach AE6PM
- Aviva Garrett KM6GQG
- Peter Melhus AA6PM
- Joe Kraus KR1JOE
- John Glass NU6P
- Walt Spector W6WS
- Jim Oberhofer KN6PE Cupertino
- Steve Hill KK6FPI Cupertino
- Mark Laubach K6FJC Cupertino
- Luke Pannell Cupertino
- Trajan Pannell Cupertino
- Todd Wen KT6JK Cupertino
- Dave Gustavson
- Penny Allen KM6JUO Loma Prieta
- Kathy Adams KD6SEI Loma Prieta
A total of twenty (20) people attended.
Meeting called to order by Jack Griswold at 19:30 PDT
Presentation by Steve Steps on Fox Hunting
Steve made an excellent presentation on the sport of Fox Hunting; that is, Radio Direction Finding.
- The Joy of ARDF–what is it?
- Subtypes: Vehicle or on foot.
- Why do Fox Hunts?
- Anyone can play; don’t need a Ham License
- Placement of Foxes
- Equipment needed, both simple and sophisticated
- Methods–Peak, Null, and Doppler
- Need for attenuation to avoid overloading the rcvr when near the fox.
- Availability of kits and specialized equipment
- The Hunt: Search methods and common issues
- Steve’s Theory
SARA will host a Fox Hunt on 5/14 between 9 and 11am.
Steve will post a copy of his slides on the SARA website
Treasurer’s Report
- As a result of banking issues with or previous banker, Wells Fargo, our Treasurer, Allison Cassidy has set up a free account with Tech Fed Credit Union. Though the account is free of monthly fees, the checks are not: $60 for forty checks.
- The club’s cash balance is now $6206; other assets total $4514.
- All filings have been brought up to date, including Forms 990N, 199N and the SI-100.
- Ali is still working on setting up a PayPal account. Dues are $20, $25 for family membership per year, not amortized. Checks can be sent to the PO Box in Saratoga for the near term.
- Outgoings include the annual PO Box fees, $25 for tax filings, other incidentals, Zoom and GoDaddy subscriptions.
The Cupertino club has invited us to participate in their Field Day event on 6/25 at the Quinlan Center in Cupertino
Meeting was adjourned at 20:44–Moved, seconded, and voted by acclamation (absence of nays).
Respectfully submitted by Michael Turner, Secretary.