Recommended Programmed Frequencies and Channels
for HTs and Mobile radios used to support SARA
In the course of an emergency, you might be handed a radio other than your own and asked to communicate with it. It happens!
In order to facilitate more efficient (doing things right) and effective (doing the right things) communications, the SARA Board of Directors recommends that all ham radios used to support SARA-related activities, whether HT or mobile, be programmed with the following frequencies on channels 1-14.
The radios in Saratoga’s two Emergency Operations Centers and the trailer, as well as the radios at the Saratoga Retirement Community are already programmed with these frequencies on these channels. We hope you will consider doing the same.
EOC Frequencies
Channel | Net or Activity | Name | Frequency (Offset) | Tone (PL) |
SARA | ||||
1 | Saratoga Command VHF | K6SA 2m | 146.655 (-) | 114.8 |
2 | Saratoga Command Simplex | K6SA simplex | 146.655 | 114.8 |
3 | Saratoga tactical | 146.505 | Simplex | |
4 | Saratoga tactical 2 | 146.595 | Simplex | |
5 | Saratoga Command UHF | K6SA 70 cm | 443.150 (+) | 100 |
6 | Resource Net Los Gatos | W6PIY | 147.390 (+) | 151.4 |
7 | San Jose Command Net | W6UU | 146.985 (-) | 114.8 |
County | ||||
8 | County Message Net | W6TI | 147.360 (+) | 110.9 |
9 | County Message Net Alt | K6FB | 145.450 (-) | 100.0 |
10 | County Command Net | WB6ZVW | 442.500 (+) | 100.0 |
11 | Command/Resource Alt | K6SNY | 443.275 (+) | 107.2 |
12 | Resource Net (Primary) SVECs | AA6BT | 146.115 (+) | 100.0 |
13 | Resource Net (North) | W6ASH | 145.270 (-) | 100.0 |
14 | Resource Net (South) | K6SNY | 443.275 (+) | 107.2 |