- Net Control Script
- Net Rotation 2024
- Net Rotation 2023
- Net Rotation 2022
- Net Rotation 2021
- Net Rotation 2020
The Saratoga Amateur Radio Association has a weekly 2 meter net. Visiting amateur radio operators, as well as Saratoga Amateur Radio Association members, are welcome.
The purpose of the net is to develop experienced amateur radio operators and communicators who can be called upon to assist in an emergency, to verify that everyone’s radio is operational and programmed correctly, and to verify that SARA’s repeater(s) are available and accessible.
The net is open to everyone regardless of experience. If you can hear us, talk to us.
The net script is publicly available here and may also be downloaded.
The Saratoga Amateur Radio Association also participates in the Silicon Valley Emergency Communications System‘s (S.V.E.C.S.) weekly net on 146.115 MHz, +, PL 100 on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm. The net control script for this net is available.
Good evening, this is (name, call sign), net control tonight for the Saratoga Amateur Radio Association’s weekly net. This net meets every Sunday night at 9:00 PM local time, on the K6SA repeater on a frequency of 146.655 MHz, negative offset, PL tone of 114.8 Hz or on our linked 70 centimeter repeater, 443.150 MHz, positive offset, PL tone of 100 Hz. This is a directed net. Please pass all traffic through Net Control. However, this net may be broken at any time for emergency or priority traffic. Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time? <Pause for possible traffic.>
I have (announcements) (no announcements) for the net tonight. If there are any stations with announcements for the net, please identify now.
<Break and proceed with all announcements.>
Having heard all (no) announcements I will now ask that each station check-in by giving your name, call sign, and if you have traffic for the net. Please give your call sign phonetically and slowly. I will acknowledge each station separately. Please stay on the net, for last minute information, until it is formally closed. We will take IRLP or EchoLink after regular check-ins. I will start with mobile and portable stations.
Any mobile or portable stations wishing to check in, please go ahead now:
<Break and acknowledge each check-in. If any station has traffic have them proceed just after they check-in.>
Regular check-ins please go ahead now:
<Break and acknowledge each check-in. If any station has traffic have them proceed just after they check-in.>
Any stations using IRLP or EchoLink, please check in now:
<Break and acknowledge each check-in. If any station has traffic have them proceed just after they check-in.>
I would like to remind all listeners that we accept check-ins from any all hams, whether members or visitors. So, if you are listening please join us by giving your name and call sign now.
<Break and acknowledge any additional check-ins.>
Are there any late or missed check-ins, please go now?
<Break and acknowledge any additional check-ins.>
<Net Manager: (1) check to see if this Net Control can cover the SVECS net on Tuesday and (2) call for next week’s Net Control volunteer or (3) assign a Net Control for next week. >
Is there any other business for the net tonight?
<Break and handle additional business. If none, proceed to next paragraph. >
There being no further business, this is ______, net control, closing the Saratoga Amateur Radio Association net at _________local time. We had _____ check-ins tonight.
Thank you for checking in with our net. The frequency is now open for regular use. This is ________, clear.