Minutes for the SARA Meeting on May 1, 2019
Ron, AJ6EG
Andrea, K3ECF
Dave Blessing, HF6NHG
Stan, AB6SR
Jeff, N6ADE
Jack, KM6ZWR
Mike, N6DXO
Larry, KJ6GMN
Don, AE6PM
Peter, AA6PM
Bob, W6BP
Yin, N9YS
Doug, KI6DS
Meeting called to order by Ron 19:38
Approval of the previous club minutes
Nothing posted, we will post and review next month
Officers and committee reports:
- Net nanny – Ron
- 13 person rotation for net control
- Peter and/Ron backup the net control with counts and check-in attendance
- Last 6 months, greater than 20 check-ins … fantastic!
- New record of over 30 on week
- Love to have some new blood
- Phil (RCS, Andrea )
- Saratoga is net control for Tuesday evening SVECS every 11 weeks. (Jeff 11 weeks ago, Peter last night)
- Ron to get new excel sheet to all members
- V.P. – DMR next
- Secretary – Jeff
- Website improved
- Requesting new photos to get rid of people images. Please send photographs of current members, ham shacks, equipment, or other pictures of interest in to me.
- No minutes last month
- Treasurer – Don
- 26 members
- $4,900 bank balance
- $478 outbound for new projector and peripherals
- $40 in cash to be deposited
- Events
- 5/18 Countywide drill
- 4/1 Neighborhood watch
- 4/13 Blossom Festival (shared table with CERT)
- 4/27 SVECS breakfast – discussion about the ‘Camp Fire’
- 4/8 Ron, Morris, Brent, Crystal meeting with the city
- 4/27 Jack, Wendy, Peter March of Dimes
- 5/19 CERT graduation at the Saratoga Joan Pisani Center
Old Business
New business
This meeting room is booked for whole year
ExComm item August – special event of some sort
Business meeting adjourned 20:02
Doug Hendricks KI6DS – presenting on QRP