Minutes for the SARA Meeting on February 5, 2020
Jeff Walker | N6ADE |
John Glass | NU6P |
Tom Server | NT6S |
Mike Turner | N6DXQ |
Jack Griswold | KM6ZWR |
Wayne Opp | N6BTU |
Larry Hawkinson | KJ6GMN |
Mike McGuire | KM6VZL |
Frank Mayer | WB6WPM |
John Yontz | AA6JY |
Yin Shih | N9YS |
Diane Steps | |
Steve Steps | AJ6HM |
Allie Cassidy | N6ALI |
Kristen McIntyre | K6WX |
Meeting called to order by Jeff Walker at 19:30
Business meeting started 19:30 (started to give the speaker time to properly setup)
Treasurer’s Report (Don Steinbach):
39 paid members
$6,059 in the bank and:
$145.90 to be deposited
$137.19 outbound for GoDaddy
approx. $100 for PO Box rent
We discussed the 2/22/2020 drill (10:00 am until 12:00 noon)
Guest Speaker:
Kristen McIntyre (K6WX) Vice-Director, Pacific Division, ARRL
Some of her discussion focused on:
- Many of the committees she is on:
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- IT Modernization Committee
- Log Book of the World (standing committee)
- Biggest Issues
- How to get people 17 and up and keep them
- Licensed but do not stay
- Parity Act
- Frequencies
- 3GHz under threat
- LTE V (unlicensed)
- 5g
- “On the Air” Magazine
- Bi-monthly
- Callout for writers to write articles for QST. Many articles needed
- Contest
- M-Comm
- Technology
- Organizer
- DXer
- HF Digital modes
- 300 baud limit
- PACTOR HF modem (from SCS)
- Version 4 disallowed because of baud rate
- Other passing comments:
- ARRL is very respected by the FCC
- We are in tough times
- Need to clearly define the ARRL’s purpose
- Please stick with the ARRL
- Only 17% of licensed HAMs are ARRL members
- Wants to see the ARRL give value to us all.
Return to the business meeting:
Business meeting adjourned 20:57