Minutes for the Board Meeting on March 19, 2019
Ron Jones, AJ6EG
Peter Melhus, AA6PM
Jeff Walker, N6ADE
Don Steinbach, AE6PM
John Glass, NU6P
Meeting called to order by Ron Jones at 19:30
Approval of the previous board minutes
Ron moved, seconded by, passed unanimously
Special assignment review:
Meetings & Events Chair – Peter
- Schedule is rather full for all of 2019
- May QRP
- June DMR
- July Packet
- Aug Event (TBD)
- Sept TBD
- Oct Message Passing
- Nov The origins of Silicon Valley
- Dec J-Pole antennas
Training – Don
- This task force does include Morris, Don, Peter and Ron.
- Maybe some focus on the ARES side of the club
- Comment injected that we need to ensure we do not leave out those NOT interested in emergency communications
- John mentioned training new Hams should be a focus
- Some focus on Em Comm
- What to do
- What to take
- Suggest a few common radios
- Follow up session
- Local frequencies
- Local contacts (email, phone, location) of possible mentors
- How to overcome mic fright
- Baby steps for newbie site
- SARA ARES/RACES need to reboot our DSW program
- Periodic training on what to get started
Outreach to local clubs – Ron
- ARES – Cupertino / Los Gatos
Miscellaneous – Jeff
- Badges for executive committee (with title)
- Badges for all members
Membership – John
- SARA has been around about 30 years now
- Maybe US mail to new Saratoga hams with SASE to signup
- Suggestion was maybe allhams in Saratoga
- Maybe take PayPal
- Improve our brochure
- Come up with a schedule of events
- 30thanniversary special occasion or something?
- Comment about: We have an infusion of new hams…need to ensure their needs are being met
- Broaden our scope
- Repeater frequency
- After net discussions
Immediate tasks
- Write up a cover letter for new Saratoga Hams
- Improve our flyer
- Improve our online application
Other discussion
- Student discount?
- Family rate at $30, individual at $20
- Ensure we have or acquire k6sa@gmail.com
- Check into who has the forwarded email for K6SA@ARRL.NET
- Ron is ok with his phone number being on the web site
Meeting adjourned 21:10
Respectfully submitted, Jeff Walker, Secretary